We are proud to start a new project for the development of training programs for energy efficiency and clean cooking solutions in West Africa!
In West Africa (ECOWAS Commission region), and particularly in The Gambia, the use of biomass – including fuel wood – accounted in 2016 for almost 80% of the country’s energy supply and more than 90% of household energy consumption. As in most African countries, demand for firewood and charcoal is outstripping supply and forests are disappearing.
Our project will assist to:
– Significantly decrease deforestation – burning trees to produce charcoal
– Improve air quality and reduce respiratory problems within households and villages/cities
– Promote Energy Efficiency and reduce environmental pollution
Project in collaboration with AERE – Alternatives pour l’Energie, les énergies Renouvelables et l’Environnement with financing from ECOWAS Centre for Renewable Energy and Energy Efficiency (ECREEE) & UNIDO.