Project Information
Energy audits in:
- Headquarters (Marousi)
- Central Warehouse (Aspropirgos)
At the facilities (3.000 m2 – 25.000 m2), considered one of the largest in the Balkans and one of the world’s pioneers in logistics, Thelcon conducted:
- Recording, analysis & break-down of energy consumption
- Recording and analysis of electromechanical equipment
- Calculation of energy indicators, baselines and KPI’s
- Analysis of product storing process
- Energy conservation proposals with thorough financial documentation (LCCA )
The proposed energy conservation measures include:
- Lighting improvements
- Improvement of the buildings’ air-conditioning
- Interventions on the buildings’ outer shell
- Installation of photovoltaic systems
- Control and monitoring systems
- Client Procter & Gamble
- Category Energy Design
- Location Attica
- Year 2018 - 2019